Category: Universe


Sense8 AUs

Hello. Any good recs for the avengers linked up mentally or psychically like the clusters in Sense8? I’d would love to read abut Steve and Tony in each other’s minds. Thank you!! Try the Telepathy fic recs, but here are some Sense8 fics: MAKE A CLUSTER OF YOUR COMMENTS AND KUDOS! The voices in your

Dancer and Ballet AUs

hey! i just got home from the nutcracker and WOW those dancers are talented. It takes a certain type of dedication to become that good at something which obviously immediately made me think of tony (but tbh what doesnt). Do you have any dancer!aus? ballet specifally would be amazing Only a small few that I

Post-2012/2012 Tower

hey, you know what a miss? 2012 fanfics where everyone was happy and the avengers were a big family. do you have some good fanfics like that so i can forget the fact that everyone’s dying in infinity war? thanks, i love your blog ❤️ Thank you so much!  Try the Team as Family recs

Alternate Universes

Are there any AUs you recommend? WIP or completed, either is fine. ~ <3 sabrecmc-archive: OMG, there are SO MANY!  How to possibly choose?  Okay, I’m going to go with some favorites, but, honestly, there are SO MANY!  These range from “a bit off of canon AU” to “canon-schmanon let’s have fun AU” so enjoy! Please remember

Based in Animated Universes

Hey mom, do you have any fics set in the animated universes? Like Avengers Assemble, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Heroes United, etc.? Their love works in all different verses, doesn’t it?  There are some great fics from the cartoons that I think sometimes we overlook b/c we think of them as kids’ shows, but please do


hey!! do you have any recommended a/b/o stony fics? thank u in advance!! (also please don’t shy way from mpreg it’s my guilty pleasure) sabrecmc-archive: A/B/O can definitely be an interesting trope, I’ve discovered. I didn’t think I’d enjoy it, and here we are!  Here are some I’ve enjoyed, though please note that these tend

Post-Infinity War & The Burner Phone

Hey sabre! Congrats on the new blog, its so warm and cozy here. I was curious if you, or any of your readers, knew of any post Infinity War trailer fics, or just fics that feature *that* phone heavily. Thanks! I hope you’re having a great day. Someone’s asking on the right blog!  Yay!  You

Medieval & Historical AUs

hey sabre do you know any like medieval stony au! :3 sabrecmc-archive: You’re…trolling me, right?  LOL, weeeeeellll…Okay, so since there aren’t a ton of these, I included some that are more “historical” or “fantasy” than purely medieval-esque.  Enjoy! PLEASE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND KUDOS FOR YOUR AUTHORS!  EVEN ON OLDER FICS! 

NSFW Avengers Academy

Do you have any nsfw avac stony fics Sabre??? sabrecmc-archive: I do, indeed! COMMENT AND KUDO OR I WILL FIND YOU. In a Rut by @rouge-winter:  “You don’t have to do this, Tony.” Pepper said as she tightened her white knuckled grip on the clipboard in her arms. “I’m sure we can find someone else.”“Yes. I

Avengers Academy

Do you have any AVAC Stony fics? It’s so underrated💕 sabrecmc-archive: I do!  AVAC is perfect for tooth-rotting fluff.  Here are a few suggestions. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND KUDOS FOR YOUR AUTHORS! kiss me (for science) by wartransmission: Steve blinks. For a moment, all he does is stare, because that can’t be right. His