Category: Universe


Daemon AUs

I’ve been totally loving all of these amazing recs! Thanks so much sabremom šŸ˜€ Do you have any daemon/his dark materials/animal guide stories? Glad you like the recs!Ā  I have only read a couple like this, but you might try these, Anon: As Light as a Butterflyā€™s Touch by Aviss: Tony was never one for

Stonyclunks (Captain America/No-Powers Tony)

Hiya Sabremom! I’m trying to get a tag going for Stonyclunks. Stonyclunks is a portmanteau of Stony and Shrunkyclunks (which is a descriptor for a ship you don’t follow), and therefore Stonyclunks is a relationship between post-ice-Captain America-Steve and “normal” modern-day-but-not-Iron Man-Tony. Do you know of any fics like that? Celestial Navigation would count, for

Post-Civil War

Hello! Your recs are amazing! Do you have a list of all post civil war fics? Thank you! Iā€™ve had several requests for post-CACW recs, so here we finally go!Ā  There are over 500 completed post-CACW fics on Ao3, so this is just a taste of some I have particularly enjoyed, but please check out

Pirate AUs

Hi, do you have any Pirate Au fics? Stony doesn’t have to be the central focus. Thank you !!! Argh!!!!Ā  Yes, there are some wonderful pirate stories.Ā  Enjoy! A CURSE UPON THOSE WHO DONā€™T LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS! Captain and Commodore by ohmyloki: ā€œYou are, without a doubt, the worst pirate Iā€™ve ever heard of,ā€

Bullied Tony

Any fics where tony was bullied? Can be high school setting or others Iā€™ve only read a couple of those, so maybe followers have some other suggestions, but here are the ones I can think of: in the line of fire by colourexplosion: The important ones always come back.ORA non-powered AU in which Tony and

Peter & Harley

Hi! Do you know of any Tony & Peter & Harley fics? Thank you so much!! Only a few Stony ones, though Iā€™m sure there are more in the non-ship tag.Ā  Here are some Stony ones with Peter & Harley, though. COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE BETTER THAN POTATO GUNS! Stop, Look and Listen by @sarahhbe:

Non-Powered, Modern AU

Hi! Do you have any good au fics with some angst, pining and misunderstandings but with a happy ending?! Not the a/b/o or werewolves/vampires kind but like where Tony is a businessman/CEO of SI and Steve is an artist, post-serum, or something like that?! šŸ™‚ thank you love your blog!! šŸ™‚ We will call this

Officer Rogers and Prison AUs

With Chris showing up as Hot Officer in his play, and this post going around, I thought Iā€™d do some Cop/Prison AU suggestions, so here you go! COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE LIKE GET OUT OF WRITERā€™S BLOCK JAIL FOR YOUR AUTHORS! Doughnuts and Officer Handsome by MystikSpiral: Every morning, Tony went to his favorite doughnut

Tony Dies in Civil War

Fic recs where Tony dies in Civil War instead of Steve? I do know of a couple of those, so here you go.Ā  Anyone with other suggestions, please feel free to add them!Ā  Several of these seem to feature Evil!Steve (apparently, Steve without Tony is sort of off the rails, letā€™s say), so just mind

Dystopia & Apocalypse

Hello! Iā€™m honestly a huge fan of all your recommendations, you never lead me astray! I was just curious to see if you have any Stony fanfic recommendations with Post-Apocalyptic or like barren wasteland themes? Thank you in advanced eitherway! :3 Ahhhh, dystopian Stony!Ā  Yes, there are a few really good ones!Ā  Often rather plot-heavy,

Next Avengers

Helloļ¼ Can you recommend some stony fics based on the cartoon Next Avengersļ¼Ÿ There are very few works for Next Avengers, and one promising WiP, but here are a couple you might like. Maybe authors will be inspired to write more for it in the future. If anyone has other recs, feel free to add

Multiple Tonys & Steves

Hello! You is awesome! I was wondering if you had any recommendations where like multiple Tonyā€™s and/or steves meet? Preferably both but if itā€™s just tonys or just Steves in the story thatā€™s awesome too. Question time! What flower do you feel matches each avenger best? I feel like sunflower is steve. They start so

Post-CACW Jealous Steve

Hi I just wanted to say I think your blog is amazing and suuuuper helpful. I was wondering if you had any Jealous!Steve fics? Bonus if it’s Post CACW but general jealous Steve fics are amazing too. Thank you so much ā¤ā¤ Glad you are enjoying the blog!Ā  There are some recs of Steve being

Light & Plotty

Hii! Love your blog so much! I really appreciate your efforts to it! I was wondering, do you happen to have some ff set in MCU or anyway in “easy times” like, no CW or angsty settings, just plain “tony stark is Iron man Steve is Captain America and stuff happens” kinda of ff? Just

High School AUs

Do you know of any good high schoolers Steve x tony fics? I think Iā€™ve got them all but am not sureĀ  Sorry it took so long for me to get to this one. There are some great Avengers Academy fics (Non-Angst AVAC and NSFW AVAC), so definitely check those out, but here are some

Pacific Rim AUs

Hello! I absolutely love your blog, thank you so much for running it. So, I was just wondering if you know of any Pacific Rim!AU fics? I just saw it for the first time, and thought it was awesome. Thanks again, you rock! Only a few, but they are very good!Ā  Enjoy! COMMENTS AND KUDOS

Captain America’s Thawing/Steve in the Ice

I really love your writing and fanfic lists. Have you some about how Captain America was thawed? Maybe not main theme, just heavy comics science. Interesting! I donā€™t really know but one that kind of deals with that, but here are a few that deal with Steve in the ice in more depth that you

Steve Belongs to the Government

You are amazing!!! I love all the reccing you do!! Can you think of any fics where Steve was found/is owned by the army? Shield never found him and Ross/whatever general is doing his best to make poor Steeb miserable. Like in “His Fate Will Be Unlearned” by (THE) scifigrl47. I donā€™t know of many

Mechanic Tony

Hey, thank you so much for all the recs, they’ve given such a great amount of reading material and it’s so different to any other stuff I find online!! I was wondering if you knew any fics with mechanic!Tony? Idk why but I just really like that au and think he fits it so well!

Tony Tutors Steve

Hey do you know any fics where Tony tutors Steve? Powers or not, young or old, just a fic where Tony just teaches him something/anything, (chess, tennis, sudokuā€¦ Literally anything) thankyou I do have a few suggestions for you! Ā They pretty much go Tony teaches Steve to Dance or Ā Tony helps Steve with Physics/School, lol.

Established Relationship Civil War

Ā CW recs where Steve and Tony are married? Iā€™m not sure if you mean CACW or comics CW. Ā Iā€™ll try to give some of both.There are more with established relationship than married, but here are a few with them actually married (or close to it) during or after Civil War. Iā€™ll also add some established

Mob Boss AUs

Any stony mob boss AUs? Grab your ankle holsters and don your pinstripe suits!Ā  Here are some mob fics you might enjoy. FREDO DIDNā€™T LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!Ā  get gone (this town is only gonna eat you) (series) by @theappleppielifestyle: ā€œIā€™ll take care of it,ā€ Steve promises, squeezing Tonyā€™s

Steve & Tony Work Together

Any fics where Tony and Steve are colleagues? Iā€™m going to assume you mean non-powered work colleagues and go with that.Ā  Here are some suggestions, but if anyone wants to rec more or has a self-rec, please add, since I havenā€™t read too many of these.Ā  Enjoy! GOOD WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR REQUIRES COMMENTS AND KUDOS! Tesseract

Tony is Captain America

Do you know of any Cap!Tony AU fics? I know of only two off the top of my head, but I adore the concept so much and hope there’s more out there where he’s the focus and not so much a plot device Only a couple, but it is such a fun trope! IF YOU

Serial Killer Steve, Detective Tony

Hey! Do u know any fic in which Steve is a serial killer and Tony is a detective trying to find him, like this ā€œgameā€ of the cat and the mouse? And Tony does not know is Steve the killer but Steve does know Tony is the detective behind his search? (Sorry for my bad

Space AUs

do you have space au recs? like space opera, space pirates, star trek, etc.? There are some really great ones with the boys off in space.Ā  Here are a few suggestions! BOLDLY LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS WHERE YOU HAVENā€™T BEFORE! Straight On Till Morning by @sineala: Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years

Iron Man 3 with Steve

Hi! First of all thank you for running this blog! Fo a new stony shipper like me it’s like paradise:) I was wondering if you know some fics where Avengers (mostly Steve) are involved in the IM 3? Or at least react to the news of Tony’s “death”? Or try to explain where the hell

Actor and Hollywood AUs

Hello! Do you know any fics where Tony is the Director and Steve is an Actor? (or vice versa) Thank you! <3 I only know of one that is technically exactly that (first one on the list, but it is outstanding), but here are some Actor and Hollywood AUs you might enjoy. DONā€™T JUST ACT

Greek/Roman Mythology

Some sort of Ancient Greek/roman empire and Persia star crossed lover where Tony is the son of Roman Empire au sabrecmc-archive: That would be epic!Ā  There are a few Roman-esque Stony fics that you might want to check out: Muses by Era_Penn:Ā Lord Anthony Starkson, cousin of the great Caesar, was cursed by the goddess Venus

Alternate Universes 2

Hi. I love your fan fiction recommendation – I always find new and precious gems within them and keep being surprised. Thank you for always having such great suggestions. I recently found myself enjoying AU Steve/Tony fan fiction so I was wondering if you have any recommendations for me. I love AUs!Ā  Glad you are