Category: Universe


Tony’s Past Comes to the Present

Do you have any recommendations for fics where Tony’s past self comes to the future any the team/Steve sees how broken/Lost tony was? I know a few of those along that idea, though most are not directly your ask. But, these fit into the idea of the team learning about Tony’s past and Howard’s bad

Avengers: Infinity War

I finally got to see Infinity War yesterday, and it was… painful. I know that these fics are kinda scattered to the wind because it’s so recent but do you have any Post-Infinity War pt. 1? Like Steve on Wakanda thinking Tony’s dead, and Tony making his way back to him? Or anything like that

Demigods & Ancient Greece

Are there any more fics where either Tony or Steve is half-god (excluding some that you already recced under a different tag)? It would be nice to read some Achilles/Patroclus tragedy Stony-style but I ventured into the unknown and got smote with a non-Stony Marvel ship which I can’t even say because it pains me.

The Bachelor AUs

Hey do you have any bachelors stony fanfic recs? This did seem to be a trend for a bit, didn’t it?  All thanks to @cptxrogers for their amazing gif set. I’ll be honest, I haven’t read these, since I don’t really read a lot of Stony with other people, so I don’t know if everything

Lost Alien & Fantasy Realms

Thank you for all that you do! I have a weird one here. I recently just watched Atlantis the Lost Empire and immediately wished I had a Stony version. I’m looking for fics that have Steve/Tony meeting a lost/unknown civilization that just happens to have an eager to meet newcomers Steve/Tony waiting to show him

Competitors & Rivals

Hi Sabre, first I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your recs. I know you’re busy writing but you still take the time to answer askes. Do you know any fics where Steve and Tony are competing against each other in some way, like on rival sports team or working at rival

Zombie AUs

Hey this might seem weird but do you have any zombie au fics?? Thank you! No such thing as weird with fic rec requests.  Here you go: COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE BETTER THAN BRAINS! ZombieVerse (series) by love_in_the_stars: Marvel!Zombies. Everyone is a zombie or dead-dead. Tony is still Tony and Steve is still Steve. They

Prison AUs

hi, thank you for your recs! do you know any fics where steve and tony meet in prison? There are not many prison fics, but here you go: COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE BETTER THAN A SHIV BAKED INTO A CAKE! Inside/Outside (the freedom remix) by @robintcj: Tony Stark’s mentor and second-in-command, Obadiah Stane, has framed

Professor & Teacher AUs

Do you have any recs for professor!Tony? Bonus points if Steve is NOT his student. (Like maybe Steve is also a professor?) Thank you!!! *waves*  I do know a few of those, and some professor or teacher Steve, though a lot are teacher/student, which I can read if it is college, but not high school. 

Sentinel & Guide AUs

Hey, I just wanted to say that I really really love your blog (this is like the place I come to every time I’m in the mood for Stony fics). I don’t think I’ve seen this in your masterposts (or I might have just missed it), but could your recommended some sentinel and guide fics

Loss of JARVIS

do you have any fics recs where like after aou tony is struggling with the loss of jarvis? I know: I’m way behind on asks, but finally, here you go, Anon.  Sorry it took me so long. Going Home by Batfink: Tony heads back to New York, to a life without Jarvis. Steve stays in LA,

Skrull Steve

Hi!! First of all, thank you for all of these incredible recs, I’m always introduced to really great fics here that often make my day and I really appreciate all the time you must put into this! Secondly, do you have any recs for Skrull!Steve or just Skrulls in general? I saw your Skrull!Tony list

Howling Commandos

do you have fic with the howling commandoes in it? either they’re still alive and old, or they helped raise tony, or the timeline is different? thanks for all the work you do! That’s an interesting ask!  Honestly, there are some where they are sort of mentioned, but not that many I know of where

Winter Soldier!Tony

Do you have any winter soldier!tony stark fic recs ? Also you are amazing and i’m really thankful for what you are doing Argh, sorry, I answered the wrong ask at first.  Thanks to @ayapandagirl for some suggestions, but here you go: Hooked by AnonEHouse: In this story, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are contemporaries,

Superhero College/High School AUs

Hi! Do you have any high school/college AUs where one or both of them are still superheroes (preferably not AvAc)? Hmmmm…well, that’s honestly difficult, since Tony usually isn’t IM at that age, even if Steve is Cap.  You can check out the Younger Tony/Older Steve recs for some like that and also  Stonyclunks (Tony isn’t

Winter Soldier Compliant

Are there fics where Tony and Steve are together during Winter Soldier? I actually only know a couple of those, and one is my own, but maybe people have other suggestions?  I’ve included some that are set right after TWS and sort of pick up at the end as well. AUTHORS WHO GET COMMENTS AND


do you know any good fics that include steve as nomad? thank youu Nomad!  I love him.  Fair warning, a lot of Nomad fics are roleplay, lol. Apparently, we all like the costume almost as much as Tony does! Here are some suggestions for you: NO CAPES!  JUST COMMENTS AND KUDOS! Many Faces, All of

Anastasia AUs

I honestly love love looove your blog, thanks for all the fic recs! I was wondering if there were any stevetony Anastasia AUs? I think those two would really work well with this plot line. There are a couple of BuckyNat Anastasia AUs that I’ve seen, but for Steve and Tony, try: THE CZAR COMMANDS

Rockstar Tony AUs

Hi! Can you please recommend me some rockstar! Tony? Rockstar, Singer and  Band AUs!  Here you go: COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE MUSIC TO YOUR AUTHORS’ EARS! Dreamed of All the Different Ways by Emonym23, thepretender501: It’s the summer of 1979 and Steve Rogers needs to shake off the blues and enter the world again. He

Sexual Slavery & Concubines

Hi. I’ve recently read all your fics and they’re so good! (and so are your recommendations.) I wondered if you knew fics with a concubine Tony? Because I love a concubine Steve but haven’t read any good one’s with Tony. :3 There are not many fics like this, and I truly lament that.  Doing my

Disabled but Still Avengers

Thanks for all your lovely recs! I’m looking for fics where Steve and/or Tony have a disability (blind, wheelchair, can’t hear, can’t speak) but still become Avengers and such. All the feels and love! There are some Tony with a Brain Injury/Aphasia recs, Colorblindness and Blind!Tony recs, but here are some others you might like,

Captain America in Iron Man 2

Are there any fics where Cap is involved in the events in Iron man 3 or 2? Here is the list for Steve and Team involved in Iron Man 3.  For Iron Man 2, there are a few that I can think of: IT ISN’T BUTTING IN TO SOMEONE’S STORY TO LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS!

Harry Potter AUs

Thank you for the amazing fic recs!!😣 I was wondering if you have any Harry Potter AU fics? @ishipallthings did an amazing Harry Potter AU list, and I don’t really have anything to add to it, so enjoy!

Camelot and King Arthur

thank you so much for helping us find and introducing us to awesome fanfic of these two nerds! i just finished reading sineala’s camelot series and browsing your medieval recs. do you know of any other stories dealing directly with arthurian legends? king arthur obsessed tony is my fav. thanks again! Well, royalty and medieval

Alternate Realities & Timelines

Hi do you have any recs where Tony is sent to alternate realities, either alone or with Steve? Check out the Multiverse 1 and Multiverse 2 fic recs. For Alternate Reality/Alternate Timeline, here are some additional suggestions: LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS EVERY TIME! You Started by @asparrowsfall: Steve and Tony are working together on rolling

Tony is a Famous Actor

Hey! I just wanted to say that this blog is the fandom’s greatest treasure…. Also, do you know any fics where Tony is a famous actor? Just a couple, but here you go: Assist me by snarkstark: Maybe when the blonde haired dreamer had packed up his shit and told his Ma he was leaving

Coffee Shop AUs

I absolutely LOVE your fic recs and would like to thank you for the amazing work.I was also thinking if you could recommend me some good coffee AU fics. Thank you!!(*´▽`*) Glad you are enjoying the recs! Thank you! Coffee shop AUs are like that fandom staple, aren’t they? Seeing as how Tony sort of

Alpha/Alpha & Omega/Omega

do you know any fic where both are alphas? Also can be omegas but their are the same There are a couple like that.  Here you go! Alpha/Alpha I love your little alpha scent by orphan_account: “I have you know that I’m one of the most high-ranking alphas there is”Steve chuckled “No, now you’re not”

Bad Boys

any recs for bad boy steve? or bad boy tony at that point, im not picky I suppose a lot of the mob AUs would technically be bad boy Steve?  Guess it depends on what you mean.  But, here are some that you might like….enjoy! On My Way to Believing (series) by @pensversusswords​: Steve is

Vampires & Werewolves

your blog is an absolute godsend, it’s gotten me back into the swing of stony-related things. are there any vampire aus you’d like to reccomend? werewolf aus would also be great, if vamps aren’t an option. thanks in advance! ^_^ There are some really interesting takes on these tropes, especially with CapWolf, so here you