Hacker Tony
Hi Sabre! Do you know any fics were Tony is a hacker? Thanks! And I love your blog.
Hacker!Tony…only a couple, but here you go:
Confidence Trick by tsukinofaerii:
FBI Agent Steve Rogers and his partner Sam Wilson have spent the last
couple of years just a few steps behind the high-end art thief and
hacker known as Iron Man. When someone starts using Steve’s connections
to hack into the FBI mainframe, he knows there’s only one person it
could be. But the hacking is only the beginning, and the game Iron Man
is playing promises to get them closer than ever before.
(April) Fool’s Day by KillJoy998:
The one in which Tony hacks into SHIELD to mess with everyone’s passwords as a joke.
mob-verse (series) by cauldronofdoom:
Steve is in charge of the local mob. Tony, no thanks to Stane, has come to his attention.
Hack Interrupted by Quaxo: This time of year there is always some punk from one of the /other/ colleges trying to make a name for themselves. Wherein Steve is a Harvard Man and Tony is a Beaver. Hack: MIT slang for prank.
The Voice by Del_Rion: Tony never became Iron Man – or an Avenger – but the
Avengers were still put together to save the world from Loki. After the
first battle the Avengers begin to receive help from an unknown source,
guiding them during missions and in some cases keeping the team
together. Fury wants the culprit caught while Steve feels they should
thank him instead of putting him behind bars.Written for: In response to taricalmcacil’s prompt in Cap/Iron Man 2013 Gift Exchange
(LJ): “Tony was rescued before he built the suit in IM1 and never
became Iron Man. When the Avengers become a team he eventually starts
tracking their battles via satellite and hacking their comms to give
them direction. Steve finds himself falling for the voice that keeps
them out of harms way.”
Other hacking fics you may also like:
Challenge by JuniperLemon:
Steve is a genius and needs something to occupy his mind so he turns to
hacking and setting challenges for The Avengers. Iron man is out to stop
Hammer Dat Ass by @everybodyilovedies (Amuly):
When hacking into Tony Stark’s satellites, Justin Hammer makes an
interesting discovery, or three. That is, three satellites dedicated
solely to one Steve Roger’s ass.
As Sharp as Any Thorn by Rurouni_Hime @thegertie:
It’s four days to Christmas, there’s a city in shambles, and the nation is in mourning because of the actions of a single man.
(Armor is hacked)